Well, since Family Fridays was a bust (as in I didn’t have enough time to post enough!) I decided that for 2010 it would be called Swanson Sundays and hopefully would motivate me a little more to take- and share- some photos of my OWN family.
Since today was cold (well cold to this Florida girl!) I set up the studio in our home for this session with Madalyn. The set up and take down took double the amount of time it took for these pics because in true two year old fashion I had about 5 minutes of cooperation. I thought that getting to wear her ballet outfit might entice her a little bit….
The “pretty princess walk” as Madalyn’s ballet instructor Miss Erin likes to call it. Madalyn takes ballet at the Cameron Dance Center and I HIGHLY recommend it for any moms looking to put their little ones into classes. She started just before she turned two and a half and they have been wonderful!
Got to LOVE the look on her face! I caught her mid-pirouette here.
Madalyn quickly tired of the ballet outfit and so I added the pettiskirt…
And then she spotted the feather boas in my prop closet….
All the dancing must have worn her out…